Great Outdoors Rolling Adventure!

Pump up those tires and tighten your bike helmet, it’s time to hit the trail! The Great Outdoors Foundation invites you on a Rolling Adventure in Bondurant, Iowa! This biking event supports bikers of all ages with two different routes. The 30 mile Adventure Route is for serious bikers that are up for a challenging rid eon trail, road and gravel terrain. The 10 mile Trail Route is for families and bikers that would enjoy an leisurely trail ride to Malley’s Park. All participants will fuel up in the morning with breakfast provided by Founder’s Iris Pub. On your return to Bondurant, Reclaimed Rails Brewing Company is offering pint specials for all registered riders.

10:30 AM: All participants check in for breakfast at Founder’s Irish Pub in Bondurant.

11:00 AM: All rides start at the intersection of Main Street and 1st Street SE.

Trail Route: The family ride will start with a bike rodeo and free helmets for the first 70 kids. Once in Malley’s park, music from Abby and the Sawyers will entertain the crowd.

Adventure Route: Refreshments and educational stops throughout the ride in Chichaqua with the ride ending in pint specials at Reclaimed Rails.


Register Here More Information Here

Author: Jeff Cook

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